BIOgraphy of shahanshah

Hazrat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (R)

Shahanshah Syad Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari was born on Tuesday morning, December 25, 1928 (Poush 10, 1335 B.S.; Rajab 12, 1347 Hijri). Shortly after his birth, he was initially named Syed Badiur Rahman. However, Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) did not approve of this name. In a dream, he instructed his grandson, Hazrat Delawor Hossain Maizbhandari (R), to name the child Syed Ziaul Huq instead. As a result, the name was changed, and he became known as Syed Ziaul Huq (R).

At a young age, Hazrat Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (R) began his elementary education in Kalema and the Arabic alphabet under the guidance of his house tutor, Moulavi Mozammel Huq. He then enrolled at Maizbhandar Ahmadia Junior Madrasa, where he studied up to class three. Subsequently, he moved to Nanupur Abu Sobhan High School, located near Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif, and continued his education there until class eight. After that, he attended the well-reputed Collegiate High School for class nine. In 1949, he passed the Entrance Examination and gained admission to Chittagong Government College, where he completed the Intermediate of Arts (I.A.) examination.

Later, he enrolled in Kanungopara Sir Ashutosh College for his B.A. degree. However, during the third day of his B.A. Test examination in 1953, he experienced a sudden and unusual change in his state, which led him to leave the examination hall, submitting a blank answer script. This mysterious incident marked the end of his formal education. Following this event, he returned to Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif to undergo spiritual trials and tests (Riajat).

During this period of intense spiritual dedication, Hazrat Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (R) devoted himself to deep meditation, renouncing the pleasures and comforts of the mundane world. He often went without food and sleep for extended periods, immersing himself in profound reflection. In the cold winter, he would sometimes plunge into the pond’s icy waters, enduring the harsh conditions for days. He frequently isolated himself in a locked room, severing all ties with the outside world.

One night, while his father was thinking about him, he dreamt of Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K), who appeared and reassured him, saying, “Why are you so anxious? Put my green long shirt (jubba) on him.” Acting promptly, his father donned the jubba on his son, leading to Hazrat Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari’s (R) complete recovery and tranquility. He was recognized as a Majjub-e-Salek saint, known for spending many sleepless nights and traveling spontaneously through various terrains—hills, forests, and seas—without any prior plans or notifications to others.

Hazrat Syed Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (R) embodied the essence of ‘Rabubiyat’ in both action and spirit. As a philanthropist, he extended his love and compassion to all, regardless of gender, caste, creed, or religion—even the most unlikely creatures, such as an owl, were not excluded from his kindness. He exhibited no desire for material wealth, famously burning currency notes into ashes, demonstrating his detachment from worldly possessions.

In a remarkable display of spiritual power, once he instructed his driver to operate the car using water instead of diesel or petrol, and to everyone’s astonishment, the vehicle ran smoothly on this unconventional fuel.

Hazrat Syed Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (R) is revered for his miraculous acts that alleviated the suffering of the common people and showcased his divine and spiritual stature. His teachings continue to guide his followers and reflect his wisdom:

  1. Emphasis on Halal and Prayer: Advocated for consuming permitted things and regularly praying.
  2. Understanding Through the Qur’an: Encouraged followers to seek understanding through the Holy Qur’an.
  3. Maizbhandar Sharif as an Ocean: Described the spiritual significance of Maizbhandar Sharif as vast and profound.
  4. Universal Message: Positioned his work as a center for unity among nations.
  5. Divine Influence: Asserted that his divine actions resonate with the blessings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
  6. Social Responsibility: Emphasized helping the distressed, equating such acts with the reward of performing Hajj.
  7. Cooperation in Society: Highlighted the necessity of cooperation for societal survival.

Regarded by his disciples as a ‘Marajal Bahrain’ (unction of two streams of waves), Hazrat Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (R) worked tirelessly to popularize Maizbhandar teachings and contribute to global peace. His spiritual lineage is enriched by the blessings he received from Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K), Hazrat Baba Bhandari (R), and his father Khademul Fokara Hazrat Syed Delawor Hossain Maizbhandari (R), which significantly enhanced his role as a leader in the Maizbhandari Tariqa.

Hazrat Syed Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (R) departed from this world at the age of 60 on October 12, 1988, at 12:27 A.M. He left behind his son, Alhaj Syed Muhammad Hasan Maizbhandari (M.J.A.), as his capable successor and sole heir to his divine legacy. Although Hazrat Syed Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (R) is no longer physically present, his spiritual essence remains deeply ingrained in the thoughts and actions of his followers, reinforcing the belief that “the saints can never die.”

On January 28, 1955, Hazrat Syed Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (R) married Mrs. Syeda Monwara Begum, the youngest daughter of the late Badaruzzaman Chowdhury (Badan Sikder), a prominent zamindar of Dantmara in the Chittagong district. Together, they had five daughters and one son. His only son, Hazrat Syed Muhammad Hasan Maizbhandari (M.J.A.), holds an M.A. in English and serves as the Sajjadanashin of Gausia Huq Manzil at Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif. Additionally, he was the president of the Maizbhandari Academy.

Under the able leadership of Hazrat Syed Muhammad Hasan Maizbhandari (M.J.A.), the followers of the Maizbhandari Tariqa and devotees of Hazrat Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (R) continue to grow significantly. His sagacity, foresight, intellect, personality, and visionary approach have inspired many. Out of love and respect, people affectionately refer to him as “Mowla Hujur.”